esp-01 programmer build

This is a build based on, using the identical circuit, but i think using a much more esthetically pleasing as well as robust build.

this makes programming the esp-01 from the arduino software much friendlier, no silly 'solder switches and constantly unplug' madness. The nodemcu setting will do that in software quite nicely all by itself, thank you very much.

I started using the $2.00 usb esp-01 module that you can get everywhere. Then, I gathered 2 12k 1/4 watt resistors, some magnet wire, and 2 BC547 transistors from my parts boxes.

I superglued the transistors to the back of the board.

Trimmed and added the resistors.

Connected the reset and programming signals.

Connected the otherwise unused RTS and DTR lines on the USB chip using magnet wire. This needed a lot of patience and strong magnification.

Completed the connections to the emitters of the transistors. Wrapping the RTS and DTR wires around the board didn't feel great, but there where no vias to exploit.

Finally, Kaptan and hot glue stabilized everything. Sits flat and those tiny wires on the front that were such a pain to solder are not going to break.

Much thanks to Evert for the inspiration.